Monday, December 15, 2008

Where the Old Willow Went

Some time ago, we had a willow collapse in the yard-of course, this happened while I was away at a show, as bad things always happen when I'm not around to take care of them.

I cut the willow up into smaller pieces with the exception of three four foot sections. These I (paraffin) waxed on the ends (so prescribed by an old wood carvers book). It's been about two years since I put these aside to dry in the furnace room of the studio. Cutting into them yielded a nice soft, yet consistent wood, not unlike pine. I started cutting ovoid head shapes (with a flat back to facilitate hanging) from one of the logs. Thereafter, I nailed rusty tin and bits of old wire into the surfaces. Now it seems as though I have yet another version of Shakespeare's weird sisters, with more to follow.


Carla Trujillo said...

Love your sculpted heads!
What's the reason for the wax on the ends of the wood?

Wister said...

Waxing the ends of the logs allows them to dry at a slower pace-if they dry rapidly, the wood splits a great deal more.