Via FaceBook-Steve Terlizzi just posed the challenge to make a list of the fifteen artists who most influenced you AND will stick with you no matter what (his words). He said: Don't think about this too's my list (in no particular order):
John Michael Basquiat
Robert Rauschenberg
Georg Baselitz
Franz Kline
Willem DeKooning
H.C. Westermann
Jim Nutt
William Burroughs
Henri Matisse (esp his Sculptures and Cut-outs)
Mark DiSuvero
Joseph Cornell
Pablo Picasso
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Ludwig Meidner
Franz Marc
Gerard Cambon
Guess I could keep on adding, but he said to keep it short and quick...
Did a painting yesterday that took maybe 15 minutes's wonderful (only in my mind, which don't count fer &*%$^#*@), but lacks real contrast. The color all jives and sits well together, but the whole thing lays back and contrast-wise, it's soggy white bread. I am not a person that likes colors too wild in any shape or form, so I guess this work parallels my chosen "palette". But that doesn't mean I have to be satisfied with it. Looks as though I might have to start creating some exercises that will challenge my color choices.
Still looking for a dog. I flip/flop between thinking that my life is too busy for any such critter but then go and meet actual prospects. Saw an English Setter yesterday that was in need of a home-I thought this dog not a good match for me and ugly as well- this makes me question my values. I rescued a stray on Saturday and was all ready to take this dog in (what the dog looked like was truly secondary or tertiary to the goal: a home for the homeless) and then, the owner came and got her. There's two parts to the neediness here-one part being the dogs and the other part is all mine.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
More Stuff About the Hounds

No, it sure as hell is not practical Entertaining the thought of having a dog right now is sure as hell not practical, but a beast that thinks like me would be a great addition to this here family of one. Anyone who owns a dog knows what I mean-I thought getting a kitty cat for a while, what with their relatively low maintenance, but they just don't compare. Meow.
I wanted to name the dog Scout, but it's ridiculous to assume a name before meeting da Mutt (yes, friends, I'm open to dogs of either sex right now even though my preference has always been female -you can read into that what you like, but they are gentler and kinder and more loyal as far as I can tell. I have been looking at a few nice German Shepherd dogs-guess there's a soft part of me that still misses my Rhonda, who was mixed, but looked predominantly German Shepherd-ish. Anyhow, I'm sticking to no name (Noname was the big WHITE Shepherd Jamie found as a stray and brought in to work-I couldn't take him as I was nursing Rhonda through her last days and a new dog would be way too much of a betrayal) and I'll figure all that out when I've adopted the dog.
Just recieved a used copy of The Gift,by Lewis Hyde, which is a book about the artist and his/her role in society. I've scanned it before and hope to get a bit more out of it. Also purchased a new book of essays concerning Francis Bacon and his work. Can you tell I'm hooked? Well, the guy really gave a great interview-or maybe it was just that David Sylvester was such a great interviewer-dunno-they are both no longer with us so I'll have to ask someone else....
The sculpture is "DIY", recently sold to John Krysak, a collector hailing from Atlanta.
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