No, it sure as hell is not practical Entertaining the thought of having a dog right now is sure as hell not practical, but a beast that thinks like me would be a great addition to this here family of one. Anyone who owns a dog knows what I mean-I thought getting a kitty cat for a while, what with their relatively low maintenance, but they just don't compare. Meow.
I wanted to name the dog Scout, but it's ridiculous to assume a name before meeting da Mutt (yes, friends, I'm open to dogs of either sex right now even though my preference has always been female -you can read into that what you like, but they are gentler and kinder and more loyal as far as I can tell. I have been looking at a few nice German Shepherd dogs-guess there's a soft part of me that still misses my Rhonda, who was mixed, but looked predominantly German Shepherd-ish. Anyhow, I'm sticking to no name (Noname was the big WHITE Shepherd Jamie found as a stray and brought in to work-I couldn't take him as I was nursing Rhonda through her last days and a new dog would be way too much of a betrayal) and I'll figure all that out when I've adopted the dog.
Just recieved a used copy of The Gift,by Lewis Hyde, which is a book about the artist and his/her role in society. I've scanned it before and hope to get a bit more out of it. Also purchased a new book of essays concerning Francis Bacon and his work. Can you tell I'm hooked? Well, the guy really gave a great interview-or maybe it was just that David Sylvester was such a great interviewer-dunno-they are both no longer with us so I'll have to ask someone else....
The sculpture is "DIY", recently sold to John Krysak, a collector hailing from Atlanta.
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