has no name. I thought briefly of naming him "dog". He came with the names Johnny Dollar, Blue Moon, and Buck...ok, so where to from here?
Had a similar problem with the last adopted dog (Skye, who did not last with me for one week because of her health issues) and here we are again. Well, the name ain't so important. This little guy (he's about 55 pounds) has a meaty head with a very trim and fit body. He is slightly off kilter in the head area, as he was purportedly shot in the neck-how and why, I do not know, but can't imagine that it was for a good reason. to me, he seems part beagle mixed with lab or golden retriever, but I'll never know for sure. One thing for sure, like most dogs, he sure likes to get fed and to be petted!
Over this past weekend, I had an open studio, attended by just a few folks-certainly enough people to make it worthwhile, but a paltry few considering everyone who said that they'd be there. It is a tough time of year for this sort of thing-next time I might try one before Thanksgiving, to make it easier on everyone's schedule.
Thanks to everyone who came, especially to Steve, who brought along Anna and Thompson, who both thoroughly enjoyed Liza, the standard poodle I babysat over the weekend, as well as the artwork.
My parent's health has been deteriorating further and, although I'm constantly on the phone with my Mom, I still feel guilty and not "there" enough for them. Dad was diagnosed yesterday with gangrene in his foot (feet have truly been an Achilles Heel for this man, pardon the weird punning-he's always had some sort of issue with his feet-from a rash that kept him out of active duty in WWII to breaking his ankle on a construction job after years of working at the top of skyscrapers) and my Mom has had a running battle for the past month with a fast heartbeat (altohugh she has a pacemaker). S'pose all these problems have done even more to keep me from thinking any holiday thoughts at this time-I just want to hunker down and deny the whole thing, despite the twinkly lights and trees all around me. Humbug? Maybe not, but just count me out of the Christmas sing-along and tree lighting.
BTW, this dog brings up absolutely no memories of my previous dogs, which I suppose is a blessing-he is so different from either of them, which is truly a good thing.
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