Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Are these events considered milestones?

Yesterday, a "For Sale" sign went up on the house I spent 15 years living in-as it so happens, this house is right down the road from where I'm living now. I knew this was coming, after being divorced now for almost a year and a half. That didn't stop the gush of memories and sadness the moment I saw the sign.
Today, I cancelled the telephone service going to my Mom's house. Our family has had that number-239-4063-since before I was born. Somehow, it didn't seem fair to give it up, knowing that someone else will eventually claim it. But paying $50 a month for a phone that has been used maybe four or five times since April is simply wasteful.
I wondered today how the studio might look to someone else if I never returned-say I was killed on the road and someone bought the studio and its contents. Would they have a clue as to what I was up to? Could they possibly figure out what significance all the bits and pieces just lying around might have? Or just sweep them into the trash, not knowing or even caring that they were to be assembled in such and such a way? Guess that's how it ends-it takes you by surprise and (if you're lucky) you don't even have a chance to clean things up.
Today just feels full of endings-as a matter of fact, that's been the tone for a few days. The constant rain might have had something to do with it. Wisht I could have sent some of that down Texas-way.

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