Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Few Quotes About Mystery

When I paint, mysterious things happen. What starts with a void ends with a dialogue. (Jeet Aulakh)

The mystery lies in the irrationality by which you make appearance – if it is not irrational, you make illustration. (Francis Bacon)

When you make the obvious mysterious, then the mysterious becomes unavailable. (Darby Bannard)

Suddenly, as rare things will, it vanished. (Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

The circle of the compass does not invite scrutiny. The circle of the full moon is full of incident. (Rex Cole)

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all sciences. (Albert Einstein)

If we are to learn to improve the quality of the decisions we make, we need to accept the mysterious nature of our snap judgments. (Malcolm Gladwell)

All subjects not to mention objects are mysterious. (Sherry Grauer)

The passage into mystery always refreshes. If, when we work, we can look once a day upon the face of mystery, then our labour satisfies. (Lewis Hyde)

Everything vanishes round me and good works rise from me of their own accord. (Paul Klee)

The only things one can admire at length are those one admires without knowing why. (Jean Rostand)

Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise. (Bertrand Russell)

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