Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Slow down

My work habits have lately taken a turn for the worse-can't seem to put in a full day lately. This wouldn't be so bad if I felt better about whatever work I did do in the course of a day. Today, I did not experience that effect at all-I sort of got stuck in a carpentry groove...today wound up to be about putting things together, which will have to do (After all, what choice did I have?).

This sculpture, Martin, uses part of a sawhorse I bought at a farm auction (that's the one you missed, Steve). The main spine of the thing was all cut up and stained: well-misused through the years. This saw horse makes up Martin's body. I used sash weight pulley wheels for his spectacles. The hat is made up of a cut-down funnel underneath a solid metal wheel which has a nice gold tarnish onto it. I modeled the hat after something that felt medieval, but I can't vouch for its authenticity.

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