In an effort to save resources, I've not turned on the heat in the studio yet...yes, I'm cheap, but this is also a question of survival. Working in a coat with the occasional pair of gloves on-can't say that I'm comfortable, but the situation is bearable...
I wish I could say that some sort of new inspiration rose out of this physical challenge, but I'd be lying. What has become easier is having a shorter day down there and coming home to warmth and comfort.
I wish I could say that some sort of new inspiration rose out of this physical challenge, but I'd be lying. What has become easier is having a shorter day down there and coming home to warmth and comfort.
Besides a new interest in making heads (cladded in rusty metal or gooped up with modeling paste), I plunged into working a bit harder on a "production" line, which is probably a fools' errand...the original thought was to make some prototypes (6 or 7 sculptures) and then offer them to galleries on a wholesale, per order basis.
As usual, I suffer from bad timing -this is probably the worst year to put such a scheme into play...more than ever, galleries will soon experience the "utility" effect: if it can be seen by the consumer as practical, then it might have a chance of being sold. Otherwise, it will be only at the odd time that artwork gets sold. Good luck to me and to all those who rely on their hands to make a living.
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