Sunday, April 5, 2009

One Tough Dog

On Saturday, we took my old friend, Delilah, in to the Doctor here in town. After a brief consultation, it was agreed that the best thing would be to put her down. She had not been eating or taking water for 2 days previous and, although she presented little in the way of visible signs of suffering, I had no desire to see her starve to death. She was still doing her best at walking, usually aided by me bracing her by her harness and tail. Getting up and laying back down was no picnic for her-if I wasn't there to ease her down, she would land on her butt with a painful thud.
But the past two days saw a change- she was so much more out of it and taking only the occasional treat-and then only half-heartedly.
She was amazed at the attention being afforded her, with me, my wife and the Doctor all crowded round her. She went very quietly and quickly. She was the best dog in the world.

God be between you and harm in all the empty places where you walk.
(Egyptian prayer)


yourfavoritestalker said...

I'm really sorry for your loss Bill. You couldn't have loved her more.

Carla Trujillo said...

Condolences on the loss of your beloved pet.

Rick Parker said...

If I ever reborn I want it to be as your dog.