Tuesday, May 6, 2014


That was the title for some old PIL album…

 "The way to achieve happiness is to try for perfection that is impossible to achieve, and spend the rest of your life trying to achieve it." (Winston Churchill)

Since my last post was about the futility of trying to make important art (no, I never did publish or finish it), i'm gonna try and be a bit more cheery this time around. The above quote seism to suffice for my life efforts, but I could modify it as I am no perfectionist-or maybe my idea of perfection (at least when it comes to making art) does not match anything I've ever heard or read. Oh god, you say, here comes another boring rant on the artists' thoughts. Nope.

Despite all my complaining, there is one thing I can't argue with: the drive that keeps me going, that keeps me making new stuff,  is a unique gift that I need to be thankful for on a daily basis.
Lately, I've been burning rubber making lots & lots of prints in the Community College workshop.
You'd be seeing them here if I could only get some photos (read, if i would only take some photos)…
I've signed up for another class to replace the one about to end ( I'm already having withdrawal pains about this) and this week hope to get a little used etching press delivered to the studio. Not that little, As i've hired folks to move this lil' monster….
Painting is going well and no one is more surprised about this than me. I'm finding that i do not debate whether or not to change a painting that has some good elements to it-this has been fatal to my painted work in the past…I kind of get stuck on a "nice" part of the thing , which turns into an anchor of sorts and makes me sacrifice that whole to leave the beloved part intact. No more. It was a painful process to jump in and paint over, modify or scrape out at first, but the rewards here have been good. The rewards being that the challenge remains. The end product? Well, be it good or bad I get to reap the good part of the process and all the learning and all the effort that entails.
Sculpture has been taking a back seat lately and i feel as if some of the 3D working has been a bit trite.
I do not feel "rutted"about this as there has been so much other stimulation in the painting and printmaking.

and there is still a constant flow of new ideas, brimming over in the old brain.
Who needs a bucket list-I hope to be able to pass some of these ideas on before I croak.
And I really feel - even beyond becoming a teacher- I can still inspire folks around me to make more different better art.
Yet another "blessing".

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