Tuesday, May 27, 2014


That's the word I recently heard to describe all the self-proclaimed shamans and mystics and astrologers and healers in this area (Santa Fe and surrounds).
I've always been an agnostic or skeptic or doubter or whatever you'd like to call it-you get the gist.
I'm not from the "show me" state, but I might as well have been. In no way could you ever label me gullible or even trusting. To win my trust, you have to prove yourself worthy of it.
But I consider myself open and available to all comers-I rarely turn anyone down with ill-regard unless
you demonstrate that you are just not worth my time, my trust or my money.

Here's the thing: I belong to the same class of people. Is not making art one of the oldest tricks in the world? Or should I say, a practice that has many, many doubters? I practice woo-woo all the time and really believe that using recycled (call it garbage if you will) materials subtracts even MORE credibility from an already questionable practice.

I'm someone who lives in a glass house, but this is not the reason I don't throw stones.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, 
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. 
Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

Stay open, stay skeptical.

He (or she) who lives in a drafty house may be chilly at times, but the air they breathe will always be stimulating and , hopefully, unpolluted.

Just had to get on the soapbox this morning….

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