Tuesday, May 27, 2008


This has been a true roller coaster of an month for me, both emotionally and physically.
I'm looking back somewhat prematurely because of my mercurial state, which is reflected in my artwork. In the course of this month, this has gone from spontaneous to systematic. I have been living my life concurrent to the schedule of the people who are working on the house-sanding and finishing the floors. This seems ridiculous-but this has been the kind of deal where you have to have furniture delivered-sure, the store gives you a date for delivery-and you can plan nothing until you have the furniture in hand...I hate running on other people's schedules.
I've never been very good at working around these schedules at all and really hate being in thrall to them-the past week, for instance, I've been waiting for a machine to be fixed so the floor sanding could proceed. Furniture and possessions in the house are stacked every which way until this process is completed-a virtual state of limbo.
I'll complain just a bit more to say that painting and real writing have been out of the question and my work at the studio has been getting done in a somewhat staccato manner-in bits and pieces, with no great flurry of spontaneous and even continuous action...pretty much an unsettled state, in which any kind of concentration has been near impossible.
The good news? It's been somewhat easy to spend time to paint the porch on the house, which i looked at before as a truly daunting task. It's almost done. If this state keeps going on, I'll tackle the rotting sills at the studio...and the eaves there need painting...and I need to replant some errant maples and....

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