Thursday, May 8, 2008

Still painting the porch

This is the third week that I've had paintbrush in hand (and paint in hair, on glasses, on clothing, etc.)-I'm actually enjoying the process, but maybe that's easy to say because finally, the end is in sight!

Looking back, the work looks pretty damn good if I say so meself. Spent yesterday rebuilding the porch steps (relatively easy as the risers were all intact) and then priming them. Today looks like it might be a vacation day because of the rain. Oh, yeah-I should mention that the weather has made it an absolute delight to work outside-you know, your Spring days that just happen to be the epitomy of perfection. I even got a little color...unusual for this under-rock dweller at any time.

I have been feeling neglectful of my blog. I suppose that this has to do with my Protestant Work Ethic, but nonetheless, I've been remorseful of just how little time (and thought ) I've spent writing.

This morning (after dipping into more of Anne LaMott's "Bird by Bird" book on writing and life) I thought that maybe I would try and get a writing group started locally. Am I a writer?

Well, this depends on whether or not you want to get technical: I just started at this later stage of life to actually write-I've always been interested in doing so. I've never been published nor even submitted anything for that kind of consideration...I'm a sculptor, for Christ's sake.

But I do enjoy reading...and, as some of you folks reading my drivel may have noted, I have been enjoying the process of typing one word after the other. For me, this writing has had an almost addictive quality to it.

So, about the writing group-much like my experiments in painting, stretching into unknown territory-this could be a good thing.

Not only would I step up my drive to write with the benefit of a actual audience, but competition and critcism would follow. Good stuff. Starting something like this is something I never would have dreamed of earlier in life, but now? What's to lose?

Anyhow, back to my daily chores-as I said before, the end of my painting project will get put off today as the rain is making itself, instead, I'm adding to my ramblings (the written ones, that is) and in a little bit, it's off to the studio to work on sculpture.

By the way, just finished a DaVinci book by Serge Bramly (Leonardo: Discovering the Life of Leonardo DaVinci) and I thought that it was quite good-if you are into artist bios, this one will be a good read for you. I happened across it a the flea market (along with another really intriguing and great book, The Medieval Machine by Jean Gimpel) for $1. Lucky me.

Later, baby.

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