Went to Baltimore City over the weekend to have a one day show (Bazaart) at the Visionary Art Museum there. After this weekend, I want to say that it feels like the economy may be coming back-or, at least, folks are less scared (for better or worse) of spending money. Sold a few pieces that were "hot off the press". I'm not going to say that I'm getting sentimental and that it pains me to see work go, but at least two of the pieces will be missed-"The Passenger" and "Pensive"-I'd just finished them and probably needed to stare at them just a while longer...oh, well.
Besides having a good long interrupted talk (darn those pesty folks who don't know that I'm at this venue to yak and instead want to buy my art!) with my friend Bob and his wife Nancy, I ran into two friends who I haven't seen in forever-I lived up the street from the in NYC on Broadway-Carl and Mary were below Canal street-I was above Canal street-talk about bringing back some good old memories AND seeing some really wonderful, creative, good-hearted and smart people...you take for granted some of the folks you meet, thinking that you'll probably have the chance to encounter people like this again. This is simply not true, unless you are very lucky or one of those who lives forever. Carl and Mary are unique-two people who I've crossed paths with and know myself to be the better and richer for it.
Here are the two pieces (boo-hoo) that I sold that were just out of the studio.
On the left is "The Passenger" and the one on the right is "Pensive". Isn't my photography getting a little better? I'll be doing a new website when I figure out lighting-and hopefully, this will be very soon.
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