Hello 2011! Wow, wasn't it just 2001 or am I marking myself as old by asking that very question? It's sad to leave the holidays behind-they might not have lived up to my expectations, but they always seem to hold so much promise and hope...the days that follow seem anticlimatic.
Well, here I am. A bit shop-worn and shelf-damaged, but ready to go on.
We leave for Paris in about a week and this is more and more exciting. I hope that the whole experience doesn't fly by too quickly, but who knows-one trip could inspire many returns. I am bracing myself for the expense of such a trip-Europe always seems so damn expensive to me-guess I missed the boat when it comes to the times of the "stronger" dollar. That's all in those 1960 movies with Doris Day and her crew. I experienced that only in Indonesia and Thailand-there it just seemed like yer dollar could buy anything.
Art working schedule has been odd lately, lots of halts and jump starts to it-guess that will have to be for a while. I got in several days of real work last week, but missed out on the earlier part of the week because of the big snowfall (which we did not have here, but both Westchester and Central Jersey got hammered). The past two days have brought a dramatic change in temperature, warming up so quickly as to bring on the slush and mud (yours truly got stuck in the front yard in the "no-traction" van).
This one is called "Cherto"-I love doing these small heads and have to figure a way to display them-sorry to admit this, but in doing sculptures like these, I always need to think about whether the damn thing is "personal" (as in, not for sale or for that matter, saleable) or just how in the world I'd display it-the "it" being only 12 inches tall and therefore easy to loser visually (next to all my other towering work!!!)
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