The show in Georgia was a dissapointment. S'pose I was setting myself up for that, with all kinds of expectations based on the past years that I've attended the show.
After an unexpected but rather short automotive blip, the trip down was uneventful but somehow not too boring...the time just seemed to fly by. Setting up at the show was, as usual long and tough-this year I got a bigger booth and everything looked better for the fact that there was more "air"-it was easier to look at and to focus on many of the sculptures. I had a full wall gridded with older paintings-that was interesting to look at, even though I only wound up selling one, which was sought after by two different people-obviously the one who bought it and another. Many good comments on the wheeled sculptures (I'll attach a bad photo of "The Needle")-this was somewhat gratifying, but somehow these sculptures (and many if not all of the others) seemed way too polished-or maybe it was just that I was in the midst of so many "rough" styles of working...don't get me wrong, I like the methods-but only when the method is genuine-many of the works at this show are somewhat transparent in that the just don't seem real-they seem like anemic copies of folk art-of copyists going out to make some extra money on what is a "hot" market. Forgive my skepticism, but it seems to follow me wherever I go (if you know me, you know that I am also not immune from my own arrows)...
Anyhow, chalk this one up to what I hope was an "off" year-I will try the show again next year and can only hope that it will be more successful for me.
Delilah seems to be having more problems getting up, but I wonder if this is because she didn't get the same amount of exercise as when I am home...I try and get the two of them out and trotting every day, but this is impossible when I'm not around...Rhonda has been especially close (physically) to me since I've been back-this is not unlike her usual, but has seemed a bit intense in the past day or so.
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